Faculty members play an important role in the service learning process. Each year, instructors from a wide range of disciplines incorporate a service component into their curricula, adding a new dimension for learning. From child development to political science, students are engaging in community activities that increase learning, support community needs, raise awareness on cultural awareness, and provide practical experiences. Service Learning is also known as experiential learning, community engagement, work-based learning, etc. The critical component of this pedagogy is reflection.
Getting Started
- Faculty Handbook
- Ready to include Service Learning into your courses? Complete the Service Learning Course Registration Form to to notify us of your service learning opportunity and to be added to Service Learning Courses list:
The service learning staff is dedicated to supporting faculty involvement in community based learning. The program manager and the staff can help instructors:
- Incorporate a service component into the syllabus
- Identify appropriate service activities and placements that meet student learning objectives and outcomes
- Provide on-going training and support
- Connect with experienced faculty members for advice
- Offer classroom orientations
- Find funds for service related expenses
- Assist in the development of reflection activities and assignments
- Ensure that paperwork and liability issues are covered
To learn more about incorporating a service component into the curriculum, contact Nancy Magpusao Burke, Program Manager at 442.262.2164 or nmagpusaoburke@miracosta.edu