Open Computer Labs
美姬社区 supports on-campus and online computer labs with lab assistants available to help during open lab hours. Simply join the Zoom meeting or walk into the in-person computer labs and get help immediately! Please refer to the Instructional Computer Labs Policies page to undestand how to conduct yourself in 美姬社区 computer labs.
Online Lab
Monday - Thursday: 8:30AM - 6:30PM | Friday & Saturday: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed Sunday & all holidays
In Person Labs
View the Oceanside, San Elijo, and CLC campus maps.
- Location: Building 1200
- Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 5PM | Friday: 9AM - 2PM | Closed Saturday/Sunday & all holidays
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 180 Apple & Dell Desktops
- Software Available: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Adobe Audition, WinSCP, Microsoft Office, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Dreamweaver, 7-Zip, IBM SPSS Statistics, Zoom, Adobe Acrobat DC, Gephi, Google Earth, Freedom Scientific FSReader, VMware Horizon, JMP, Adobe Premiere Rush, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Animate, Adobe Dimension, Adobe Character Animator, Audacity, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Incopy, Adobe After Effects, Freedom Scientific Jaws Training, JASP, Freedom Scientific Touch Server, Microsoft 365 Enterprise Apps, Mozilla Maintenance Service, Visix Axistv Screensaver, Microsoft Bing, Freedom Scientific Fusion
- Location: Bldg. 100, RM 105
- Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 2PM | Closed Friday - Sunday & all holidays
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 42 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat DC Pro, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, Read&Write Gold, SAS JMP Pro, Biopac, IBM SPSS, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Location: Building 200, Room 201
- Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8AM - 2PM & 5:30PM - 9:30PM | Closed Friday - Sunday & all holidays
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 38 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Audacity,
Burlington English, CASAS eTests, - Typing Training,
Citizenship Worksheets, Application for Naturalization USCIS, Future U.S. Citizens Active Book, Google Chrome, Grammar Sense, Maxon Cinema 4D, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Pronunciation Power, Read&Write, TOPSpro, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
Classroom Computer Labs
Each 美姬社区 campus has classroom computer labs where students can access computers and software. Students can only access this software IF they are enrolled in the class AND it is during class hours. Check out the list below to see the software and computers offered in each classroom.
Oceanside Campus
View the Oceanside campus map.
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 3 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Creative Cloud, Biopac Student Lab, Bloodshed Dev C++, Google Earth Pro, JASP, SAS JMP, Java, Java Dev Kit, J Creator, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 6 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Creative Cloud, Biopac Student Lab, Bloodshed Dev C++, Google Earth Pro, JASP, SAS JMP, Java, Java Dev Kit, J Creator, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 16 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate, Adobe Audition, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Character Animator, Adobe Dimension, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InCopy, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Rush, Google Chrome, Logger Pro, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Mozilla Firefox, Read&Write, Wazuh Module, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 11 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate, Adobe Audition, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Character Animator, Adobe Dimension, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InCopy, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Rush, Google Chrome, Logger Pro, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Mozilla Firefox, Read&Write, Wazuh Module, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 37 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Acrobat DC, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, JASP, Microsoft Office 365, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 34 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat DC, Android Studio, Bonjour, Cortex, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Faronics Core, Git, GitHub Desktop, IDLE Python, IntelliJ Community Edition, Java 21 SDK, JavaFX 21 Library, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, Microsoft Office 365, Nand Tetris, Notepad++, Microsoft OneDrive, Pycharm, Python 3.12, Scene Builder, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Community Edition, VMWare Horizon, Wave Maxx Audio Plug In, WinSCP, Zoom, ZoomIt
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 96 Dell Desktop Computers, Laptop Computers, and Surface Pro Tablets
- Software Available: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Adobe Audition, WinSCP, Microsoft Office, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Dreamweaver, 7-Zip, IBM SPSS Statistics, Zoom, Adobe Acrobat DC, Gephi, Google Earth, Freedom Scientific Reader, VMWare Horizon, SAS JMP, Adobe Premiere Rush, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Animate, Adobe Dimension, Adobe Character Animator, Audacity, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Incopy, Adobe After Effects, Freedom Scientific Jaws Training Table Of Contents Daisy Files, JASP, Freedom Scientific Touch Server, Microsoft 365, Axistv Screensaver, Microsoft Bing, Freedom Scientific Fusion
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 26 Apple Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, Acrobat DC, Adobe Audition, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk AutoCAD, Mozilla Firefox, Garageband, Google Chrome, Sketchup, Sketchup Layout, Sketchup Builder, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, QLab, Vectorworks, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 24 Apple Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, Auralia, AVID Link, ColorSync, Cortex XDR, Deep Freeze, FileZilla, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Grapher, iLOK, Melodyne, MuseScore, Microsoft Office 365, Safari, Sibelius, Wacom Tablet, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 25 Apple Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, ColorSync, Cortex XDR, Deep Freeze, FileZilla, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Office 365, Safari, SpyderX, Wacom Tablet, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 10 Apple Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, ColorSync, Cortex XDR, Deep Freeze, FileZilla, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Office 365, Safari, SpyderX, Wacom Tablet, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 37 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Acrobat DC, Adobe Animate, Adobe Audition, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Character Animator, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Prelude, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Speed Grade, Adobe After Effects, Apple iTunes, Examplify, Faronics Core, Google Chrome, IBM SPSS Statistics, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, Kurzweil 3000, Maxxx Audio Pro Plugin, Microsoft Office, Minitab, Minitab Express, Mozilla Firefox, Open DNS, QuickTime, Read the Web, Real Player, WinSCP, Wolfram CDF Player, Zoom, Zoom Text Fusion
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 37 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Geomerter Sketchpad, GNU Octave, Google Chrome, Maxima, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Mymathlab Pearson Lockdown Browser, SAS JMP Pro, Texthelp Read&Write, VMWare Horizon, VTI Calculator, WinSCP, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 8 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Electrical Circuits Challenge Suite, 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 9 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 27 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 13 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat DC, SAS JMP, DinoCapture, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Factory Talk View Site Edition - Studio 5000
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 30 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available:Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat DC, SAS JMP, DinoCapture, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, GuavaSoft
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 41 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat DC, SAS JMP, DinoCapture, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, GuavaSoft
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, ATOM, Audacity, Brackets, Cinema 4D, Cineware, ColorSync, Cortex XDR, Cyberduck, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Grapher, Figma, FileZilla, Mozilla Firefox, JASP, SAS JMP Pro, Komodo, Maya, Microsoft Office 365, Python, Safari, IBM SPSS Statistics, VLC Player, Wacom Tablet, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Minitab
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 5 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 30 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 27 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 9 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash Builder, Microsoft Office 365, iTunes, Java, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Quicktime Player, VideoPoint, Update to Capstone
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 29 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat, Wolfram Player, Stellarium, Clea - Moons of Jupiter, Class Action Applications
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, Microsoft Office 365, Mozilla Firefox, WinSCP, Zoom, Adobe Creative Cloud, AutoCad, Autodesk 123D, Autodesk Configurator 360, Autodesk HSMWorks Premium, Autodesk Inventor Pro, Autodesk MeshMixer, Autodesk Netfabb Premium, Autodesk Revit, DWG TrueView, Fusion 360, GMetrix SMS, Google Earth, VMWare Horizon, PTC Creo, Read&Write, Sketchup Pro, SolidWorks, Cura, Wacom Tablet Driver, Artec 3D, Microsoft Project
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 6 Dell and 1 Apple Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, Microsoft Office 365, Mozilla Firefox, WinSCP, Zoom, Adobe Creative Cloud, AutoCad, Autodesk 123D, Autodesk Configurator 360, Autodesk HSMWorks Premium, Autodesk Inventor Pro, Autodesk MeshMixer, Autodesk Netfabb Premium, Autodesk Revit, DWG TrueView, Fusion 360, GMetrix SMS, Google Earth, VMWare Horizon, PTC Creo, Read&Write, Sketchup Pro, SolidWorks, Cura, Wacom Tablet Driver, Artec 3D, Microsoft Project, RetinaEngrave, 3D Printer USB Driver Dremel Software, Prusa Slicer, Epic Games Launcher, Mental Canvas
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 3 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, Microsoft Office 365, Mozilla Firefox, WinSCP, Zoom, Adobe Creative Cloud, AutoCad, Autodesk 123D, Autodesk Configurator 360, Autodesk HSMWorks Premium, Autodesk Inventor Pro, Autodesk MeshMixer, Autodesk Netfabb Premium, Autodesk Revit, DWG TrueView, Fusion 360, GMetrix SMS, Google Earth, VMWare Horizon, PTC Creo, Read&Write, Sketchup Pro, SolidWorks, Cura, Wacom Tablet Driver, Artec 3D, Microsoft Project, Preform, 3DS 3D Print, Catalyst Dimension, 3D Systems Cube, GMetrix SMS, CubePro, Dremel Software, 3D Sprint, Prusa Slicer
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 25 Apple and Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, ATOM, Audacity, Brackets, Cinema 4D, Cineware, ColorSync, Cortex XDR, Cyberduck, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Grapher, Figma, FileZilla, Mozilla Firefox, JASP, SAS JMP Pro, Komodo, Maya, Microsoft Office 365, Python, Safari, IBM SPSS Statistics, VLC Player, Wacom Tablet, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Minitab
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 26 Apple Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, ATOM, Audacity, Cinema 4D, Cineware, ColorSync, Cortex XDR, Cyberduck, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, FileZilla, Mozilla Firefox, Maya, Microsoft Office 365, Safari, Wacom Tablet, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Acrobat DC, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier Pro, Android Studio, Geany, Gephi, Google Chrome, Google Earth Pro, IBM SPSS Statistics, JCreator, Mathematica, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Minitab, Mozilla Firefox, Oracle VM VirtualBox, PuTTY, Read&Write, R Studio, Tableau, VLC Media Player, VMWare Horizon, Wacom Tablet, Wolfram Player, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 3 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Minitab
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 21 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, SAS JMP Pro, Quickbooks Premier, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Visio, Mozilla Firefox, VMWare Horizon, Wazuh Module, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 34 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, SAS JMP Pro, Quickbooks Premier, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Visio, Mozilla Firefox, VMWare Horizon, Wazuh Module, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat DC, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Android Studio, Bonjour Print Services, Cisco Packet Tracer, JCreator LE, Geany, Gephi, Java 8 JDK, SAS JMP, Mozilla Firefox, Gephi, Google Chrome, IBM SPSS Statistics, iTunes, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, Minitab, Minitab Express, Microsoft Office 365, MyITLab, Notepad++, Oracle VirtualBox, Putty, Read&Write, R-Programming, R-Studio, Sysinternals, VMWare Horizon, Wacom Tablet Driver, WinSCP, Wolfram CDF Player, Zoom, Artic Wolf Agent, Wazuh Module, DeepFreeze, Faronics Core, Pharos, Examplify
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat DC, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Dimension, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Android Studio, Bonjour Print Services, Black Rocket Apps, Roblox Player, SceneBuilder, Cisco Packet Tracer, Faronics Core, Gephi, Google Chrome, Google Earth Pro, iTunes, JASP, Jcreator LE, SAS JMP, K-Lite Codec Pack, Microsoft Office 365, Maxxaudio Pro, Microsoft Edge, Minitab, Minitab Express, Mozilla Firefox, OpenSolver for Microsoft Excel, Oracle Java, Oracle Java JDK, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Pharos, Putty, Python, R Programming, Rtudio, Read&Write, IBM SPSS Statistics, Sysinternals, USBpcap, Vagrant, VMWare Horizon, Wazuh Module, WinPCap, WinSCP, Wireshark, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 41 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat DC, Android Studio, Bonjour, Cortex, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Faronics Core, Git, Github Desktop, IDLE Python, IntelliJ Community Edition, Java 21 SDK, Java FX 21 Library, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, Microsoft Office 365, Nand Tetris, NetOp Vision Student, Notepad++, Microsoft OneDrive, Pycharm, Python, Scene Builder, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Community, VMWare Horizon, Wave Maxx Audio Plugin, WinSCP, Zoom, ZoomIt
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 12 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, Examplify, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 23 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Suite, Infinity, SAS JMP Pro, Maxon, Microsoft Office 365, Skype, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Suite, Infinity, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office 365, Zoom
San Elijo Campus
View the San Elijo campus map.
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 28 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat DC Pro, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, Read&Write Gold, SAS JMP Pro, Biopac, IBM SPSS, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 6 Dell Desktop and 7 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, SAS JMP Pro, IBM SPSS, K-Lite, Logger Pro, MestReNova, WinQual, BioPac, Pasco Capstone, Read&Write, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 28 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat DC Pro, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, Read&Write Gold, SAS JMP Pro, Biopac, IBM SPSS, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 23 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 10 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 32 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 12 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: This room is equipped with Chromebooks that do not have installed software, but instead access web-based applications via the browser.
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 32 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, SAS JMP Pro, IBM SPSS, Virtual TI Emulator, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom, Rstudio
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: This room is equipped with Chromebooks that do not have installed software, but instead access web-based applications via the browser.
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 32 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Microsoft Office 365, BioPac, Geneious, Mega, RStudio, Foldit, 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 32 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Microsoft Office 365, BioPac, Geneious, Mega, RStudio, Foldit, 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 9 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Geogebra, MathGraph, Pasco Capstone, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 36 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, SAS JMP Pro, IBM SPSS Statistics, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: This room is equipped with Chromebooks that do not have installed software, but instead access web-based applications via the browser.
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 5 Dell Desktop and 35 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Punta, Audacity, Spanish (Latin America and Spain) IMEs, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: This room is equipped with Chromebooks that do not have installed software, but instead access web-based applications via the browser.
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 32 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, MestReNova, Vernier Logger Pro, Winqual, 7-Zip, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Cortex XDR, OpenDNS, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 2 Dell Desktop and 32 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, MestReNova, Vernier Logger Pro, Winqual, 7-Zip, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Cortex XDR, OpenDNS, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 2 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, MestReNova, Vernier Logger Pro, Winqual, 7-Zip, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Cortex XDR, OpenDNS, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 13 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, SAS JMP Pro, IBM SPSS Statistics, Kurzweil 3000, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 4 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Acrobat Reader, SAS JMP Pro, IBM SPSS Statistics, Kurzweil 3000, Deep Freeze, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OpenDNS, Cortex XDR, VMWare, Zoom
Community Learning Center Campus
View the CLC campus map.
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 24 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Audacity, Burlington English, CASAS eTests, - Typing Training, Citizenship Worksheets, Application for Naturalization USCIS, Future U.S. Citizens Active Book, Google Chrome, Grammar Sense, Maxon Cinema 4D, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Pronunciation Power, Read&Write, TOPSpro, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 24 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Audacity, Burlington English, CASAS eTests, - Typing Training, Citizenship Worksheets, Application for Naturalization USCIS, Future U.S. Citizens Active Book, Google Chrome, Grammar Sense, Maxon Cinema 4D, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Pronunciation Power, Read&Write, TOPSpro, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 9 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, Deepfreeze, Fusion 2020, Google Chrome, JAWS, JMP Pro, M365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 27 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Audacity, Burlington English, CASAS eTests, - Typing Training, Citizenship Worksheets, Application for Naturalization USCIS, Future U.S. Citizens Active Book, Google Chrome, Grammar Sense, Maxon Cinema 4D, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Pronunciation Power, Read&Write, TOPSpro, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 25 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Audacity, Burlington English, CASAS eTests, - Typing Training, Citizenship Worksheets, Application for Naturalization USCIS, Future U.S. Citizens Active Book, Google Chrome, Grammar Sense, Maxon Cinema 4D, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Pronunciation Power, Read&Write, TOPSpro, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: YES
- Computers Available: 27 Dell Desktop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Audacity, Burlington English, CASAS eTests, - Typing Training, Citizenship Worksheets, Application for Naturalization USCIS, Future U.S. Citizens Active Book, Google Chrome, Grammar Sense, Maxon Cinema 4D, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Pronunciation Power, Read&Write, TOPSpro, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 8 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Burlington English, Deepfreeze, Google Chrome, SAS JMP Pro, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Netop Vision, Pearson VUE Workstation, VMWare Horizon, Zoom
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 18 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Burlington English, Deepfreeze, Google Chrome, SAS JMP Pro, RespondusLockDown Browser, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Netop Vision, VMWare Horizon, Zoom Workplace
Technology Career Institute Campus
View the TCI campus map.
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 32 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Arduino, Arduino IDE, Pix4Dmapper, Google Earth Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Q Ground Control, Slack
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 18 Dell Laptop Computer
- Software Available: Slack, Fusion 360, Mastercam, Visual Studio
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 18 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Slack, Fusion 360, Mastercam, Visual Studio
- Hours: During Class Times
- Printing Available: NO
- Computers Available: 19 Dell Laptop Computers
- Software Available: Autodesk Fusion / Inventor, Arduino IDE, Banram Tools Desktop Miling Machine Software, Ultimaker Cura, NI Labview Community Edition, Python, Slack, SolidWorks, Trello, VexCode Pro V5, Zoom, Connected Components Workbench, Prusa Slicer, The Learning Pit: LogixPro