Dr. Lise Flocken
Transfer Center Director/Counseling Faculty
The best way to get a hold of Dr. Flocken is through email LFlocken@miracosta.edu, and you may email her during non-traditional hours. Traditionally she will return
emails within 24 hours (Non-traditional hours are welcomed).
Jed Schlueter
Counseling Faculty
The best way to get a hold of Jed is through email jschlueter@miracosta.edu, but you can also find him at one of his workshops. .
Kristi Wish
Counseling Faculty
The best way to get a hold of Kristi is through email kwish@miracosta.edu, but you can also find her at one of her workshops. .
Jorge Guerrero
Counseling Faculty
The best way to get a hold of Jorge is through email jguerrero@miracosta.edu, but you can also find Jorge at one of our online sessions, no appointment required.
Sarah Gross
Associate Counseling Faculty
The best way to get a hold of Sarah is through email sgross@miracosta.edu.
Alexa De Alba
Associate Counseling Faculty
The best way to get a hold of Alexa is through email adealba@miracosta.edu.
Abigail Vivas-Orozco
Associate Counseling Faculty
The best way to get a hold of Abigail is through email avivasorozco@miracosta.edu.
Donney Cummins
Transfer Center Specialist
You can reach Donney by email dcummins@miracosta.edu or at our office number 760.795.6880.