Students with approved quiz and exam accommodations, as reflected on their Accommodation Form, may request proctoring through SAS. Students seeking services from SAS must request assistance seven (7) days in advance of their scheduled quizzes/exams. Some examples of quiz/exam accommodation used in a proctored setting are extended time for testing, distractions reduced test environment, short breaks, large print, or reader/scribe accommodations.
Students can schedule a quiz/exam proctoring appointment through ClockWork. Please note that proctoring appointments cannot be scheduled through ClockWork if you are past the seven-day deadline. For late requests, please email or call 760.795.6658 and we will do our best to accommodate. Please note that late requests are not guaranteed a proctoring appointment.
Getting Started
- Quiz and Exam accommodations must be approved by a SAS counselor based on documented disabilities.
- Students are to request an Academic Accommodation Form for each course.
- Students are to forward the Accommodation Form(s) to the instructor(s).
- Students are to review the Student Accessibility Services Exams Policies and Procedures.
General Quiz/Exam Accommodation Guidelines
On Campus Classes
If you are enrolled in a class this semester that has timed in-person quizzes/exams, and you have been approved for an extended time accommodations, please be sure to schedule your exam in ClockWork with at least a 7-day notice for regular exams/tests/quizzes.
Zoom Classes
For online, Zoom-based classes that have quizzes/exams scheduled during your scheduled Zoom class time, please be sure to schedule your proctoring appointment in ClockWork with at least a 7-day notice for regular quizzes/exams.
Online Classes
Some online classes may require students to come to campus for testing (select math and language courses). Please refer to your syllabus for these testing dates and schedule accordingly in ClockWork for SAS proctoring to ensure you receive your quiz/exam accommodations in a proctored setting.
For online classes with timed quizzes/exams that do not have an on-campus proctoring requirement, you can work with your instructor directly to have your extended time applied. You do not need to schedule proctoring appointments in ClockWork or with SAS.
Quick Links for Students
What to Expect on Exam Day
- Students are expected to arrive to take their proctoring appointment five (5) to ten (10) minutes before the scheduled start time to allow ample time for check-in. All students will need to check in with the SAS proctor and provide a picture I.D. If a student is more than 15 minutes late for an appointment, space may not be available and full exam duration may not be guaranteed.
- The proctoring environment is actively monitored. Please schedule time to meet with a SAS counselor if you have any questions/concerns.
- All personal belongings including books, notes, backpacks, purses, calculators, food/drink (unless approved), smart devices (ex: Apple Watch), etc. will need to be placed in the storage areas.
- Cell phones need to be turned off and placed with your belongings in the designated lockers/spaces.
- Only instructor-approved items (books, notes, etc.) may be used during a proctoring appointment. If notes are allowed, these will need to be turned in with the quiz/exam. If the student would like to keep a copy of the notes, it is the student鈥檚 responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor to retrieve them at a later time. Notes and scratch paper will be collected with the quiz/exam and returned to the instructor.
- SAS will provide scratch paper, and this will be turned in with the exam.
- Students exhibiting distracting behavior may be asked to meet with a counselor to discuss strategies before their next exam.
- The SAS testing office provides new earplugs to use as well as noise cancelling headphones. Students can request them from staff at any time.
- Food and drink are not allowed in the testing room, except for water bottles with a closeable lid. Students who require food during the exam are permitted to exit the testing room and consume their food in the lobby of the building.