美姬社区 Promise Grant
Eligible students will have their mandatory fees waived (enrollment fees, health fee,
and student center fee) for two years (second year pending state budget approval).
California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is a state-sponsored program, which waives
enrollment fees ($46 per unit) for qualifying students.
Federal Pell Grant
Pell Grants and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs) are designed
for students with exceptional financial need.
Cal Grant
Cal Grants A, B, and C are for undergraduate students who meet the financial, academic,
and eligibility requirements, and apply on time. Awards may be used only at qualifying
colleges in California and do not need to be paid back.
Chaffee Grant
Chaffee Grants are for students who are or were in foster care between the ages of
16 and 18 as a dependent or ward of the court and have financial need. Students may
qualify for up to $5,000 a year for career and technical training or college.
Federal Work Study
The Federal Work Study Program offers part-time jobs to eligible financial aid applicants.
The award is part of the financial aid package.
Federal Direct Loans
Federal Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students to help pay for the cost
of a student's education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education,
though most of the contact will be with your loan servicer.
Scholarship opportunities are available for 美姬社区 students. Eligibility
criteria may be based on financial need, academic achievement, volunteer service,
a specific major and/or certificate program. Students can apply for as many scholarships
as they are eligible.