Michelle Shaw Garcia, Faculty, 美姬社区
"I'm so glad that I was able to be part of the dual enrollment program this semester! These high school students are incredible and they have so much heart and drive! Being able to balance their day-to-day classes along with a college course is an accomplishment in itself. They conducted research and had to reflect on topics that are difficult to address. They exhibited respect and integrity throughout the semester, which shows that they are ready for their educational future!"
-If this is your first semester teaching dual enrollment courses, please visit the following resources:
- (with links to resources)
- (with links to resources)
- (52 minute recording of live Zoom session)
- (42 minute recording of live Zoom session)
- (with links to resources)
- (recording of live Zoom session)
- (recording of live Zoom session)
For questions, please contact your Instructional Dean or Dean of Instructional Services Zhenya Lindstrom.