Current Term Payment Plans
Payment plans allow students to pay their fees in installments. Payment plans are available for currently enrolled students. Open enrollment begins on the first day of registration. Beginning May, payment plans are available concurrently for summer and fall tuition. Spring payment plans will open in November.
- To access the Payment Plan log into your SURF portal and click on the ‘Financial Account tile’, ‘Make a Payment’ and then select ‘Payment Plans.’ You will be able to view a breakdown of your current balance due and enroll in the plan.
- There is a $25 enrollment processing fee that is due at the time of enrollment and will be accessed per each payment plan.
- Payment plans allow students to set up Automatic withdrawals, so you never have to worry about a late payment again. If your payment plan becomes delinquent, there is a $10 late fee which is accessed at the time of the next payment due.
- Final payments are due before the end of the term, you may view your monthly billing
dates at the time of enrollment.
Payment plans are due on the 15th of every month. - Do not delay in enrollment, payment plans are by term only and have an ending offering date which is outlined below. Should you enroll in a payment plan for fall before May 15th, you would have 7 monthly installments to pay off your fall balance by December 15th. For example, if you enroll in the fall payment plan before August 15th, you will have 4 monthly installments to complete your plan by December 15th.
Spring 2025 Enrollment Dates
- The first day to enroll in the Spring 2025 payment plan is November 4, 2024.
- The last enrollment date will be on February 14, 2025, with a last payment date due April 15, 2025.
Payment Plan Adjustments
- Students who are on a payment plan are required to reach out to the Cashiers Office to purchase a parking permit if the current payment plan does not cover this cost.
- Payment plans will recalculate your payment amount if you add or drop a class or when a payment is applied.
- If you add a class after enrolling in a payment plan, your added charge will equally disburse across the remaining installments.
- If you drop a course, before the add/drop deadline, all future installments will be adjusted accordingly by your next installment due date.
If you have any questions regarding your Payment Plan, please contact the .
Past Due Payment Plans
If you are a student with a past due balance for a previous term and cannot make the payment in full. Transact offers a past due payment plan option.
- These payment plans must be requested through the Student Accounts/Cashier’s Office.
- There is a non-refundable $25 enrollment fee per payment plan.
- Balances can consist of tuition and enrollment fees, mandatory campus fees, course fees, and financial aid balances.
- Payment plans are term based. Students who have balances due in multiple terms must enroll in a payment plan for each term. The enrollment fee will apply for each payment plan.
- Debt holds will remain on students account until the total balance due on the account is brought below the $170.00 threshold.
Please contact the Cashier’s Office by email or by phone 760.795.6835 to set up a Past Due Payment Plan or to learn if this plan is right for you!