This section includes the relevant Education Codes, Penal Codes and Board Policies that guide 美姬社区's policies and procedures as they relate to minors on campus.
Education Codes 76000-76002 are the guidelines for the community college district's Board of Trustees in the admission of minors to a community college.
Education Codes 48800-48802 are the guidelines for the school district's Board of Trustees (K-12) in determining which high school students may attend a community college.
Education Code 76031 addresses the procedures for removing a student from class or suspending a student. With regard to minors, this regulation includes a provision for contacting parents during disciplinary actions.
Penal Codes 11164-11174.3 establish the child abuse laws. These laws define:
- Types of child abuse (Penal Codes 11165.1-11165.6)
- Who is a mandated reporter? (Penal Code 11165.7)
- How to make a report of child abuse (Penal Code 11166)
- What is reasonable suspicion? (Penal Code 11166 (a)(1))
All mandated reporters must receive and have knowledge of Penal Codes 11165.7, 11166, 11167 and 11172.
There are two 美姬社区 board policies that specifically address minors. They are the Admission To The College policy and the Field Trips policy.