About High School Articulation/Credit by Exam
美姬社区 faculty and local high school instructors enter into Articulation Agreements that provide the opportunity for students to earn college credit through a credit by exam process if students meet all the requirements (see Student & Parent Information). Because the Articulation Agreements are a Title 5 Credit By Exam process, the college transcripts the final exam grade with the notation of Credit By Exam. Depending on the course, the credit can fulfill prerequisites or requirements applicable towards certificates, Associate Degrees, and/or transfer. Each college and university decides how to apply transfer credit, including credit by exam. Currently, most of the transferable articulated classes transfer as lower division elective credits.
Educators looking for information on how to articulate their class can visit our Educator Information section.
Students and Families looking for information on completing the required steps, listing articulated credit on the college application, and requesting transcripts can visit our Student & Parent Information section.
Differences of Articulation, Dual Enrollment, & Concurrent Enrollment
Please note the differences of the early college credit opportunities available. ARTICULATION AGREEMENTS ARE NOT DUAL ENROLLMENT CLASSES. Please visit our dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment pages for more information about those types of early college credit. Questions regarding dual enrollment can be sent to dualenroll@miracosta.edu
Articulation Agreements: This is a high school class taught by a high school teacher. The high school transcript shows the high school name. College faculty have reviewed the course information for equivalence and determined that students can petition for credit under CREDIT BY EXAM. If the student meets the requirements, the college will enroll the student in the 美姬社区 class and transcript the grade simultaneously over the summer following the school year. It's a lengthy process due to the volume of classes and students. The college transcripts the final exam grade; while the high school transcripts the final course grade. There is no cost to the student.
Contact Information
Amy Pimentel
Career Education Pathways Coordinator
760.757.2121 x6578
Mailing Address
1 Barnard Drive, #8C
Oceanside, CA 92056