The CHEM Challenge Exam is available to those with chemistry knowledge, but without (documented, grade C or better) 1 year of HS chemistry lecture/lab credit or without pre-requisite CHEM 140 (previously CHEM 108) credit. The free exam consists of 44 multiple choice questions. You have 45 minutes to complete the exam, and 25 correct responses are needed in order to register for CHEM 150.
It lists the topics you are expected to know and provides some guidance for study before taking the exam. You are only able to take the challenge exam once, so please STUDY before taking the exam! A calculator will be provided with the exam, if you need one. If you need a chemistry textbook to review for the test, one can be checked out from the library.
The Testing department administers the exam on Oceanside campus, San Elijo and Community Learning Center campuses year round. The exam is offered during regular drop-in hours, no appointments needed.
Challenge Exam results are usually emailed to you no later than 2 business days after you complete the exam. If you do not pass the exam, you will need to register for CHEM 140.
Please call 760.795.6685 for more information, or use the to review the concepts independently on Canvas.