ࡱ> EGD /&bjbj 4:c`c`4aa8!,M$&qqqqqlllB&D&D&D&D&D&D&$w(-+jh&l,@lllh&aaqq}&laRqqB&lB&r$T"%T{%.&&0&%+T+%+%lllllllh&h&X^lll&llll+lllllllll ': Application to Recruit Research Participants at Important Information This application must be completed when: 1) The researcher is not a employee, or 2) The researcher is a employee, but the intended research project is not part of the persons responsibilities at (e.g., the person wishes to collect data for a masters thesis or dissertation). This is NOT an IRB Review. This application process is not intended to serve as, nor replace, review of a research project by an IRB board. Only research projects that have already been approved by an IRB board at an accredited University may be submitted. Must have a faculty member willing to assist. Prior to submitting this application form, the researcher is expected to identify one or more faculty members who would be willing to announce the research project during their class. All recruiting is limited to announcements made during class (or posted on a class website). It is the researchers responsibility to contact faculty who might be interested in helping the researcher. Classroom Instructor & Students. For all research projects, it remains at the discretion of the classroom instructor whether class time will be allotted for research purposes. Students shall be informed that they have the right not to participate in the research project, and that they may withdraw from the research project at any time, without a resulting penalty. Research Ethics. Recognizing their responsibility to , individuals who engage in research are knowledgeable and skilled in research technique and use sound and defensible methodology. They conduct and report investigations in a manner that minimizes the possibility that results will be misleading, inaccurate, and/or deceptively incomplete. In submitting this application, the researcher agrees to be responsible for compliance with all local, state and federal laws, rules, and regulations. Consent Form. The design of the consent form shall carefully reflect the process of informed consent, i.e., introduce the investigator to the subject; indicate why the subject is requested to participate in the study; articulate the purpose of the study; should the research involve modifying an existing standard treatment, indicate how the research procedure will differ from the standard treatment procedure; inform the subjects of the risks and benefits of participation; and ultimately document the subjects willingness to participate in the project. Debriefing and Confidentiality. The participants are to be debriefed, directly after their participation in the research project. All participant data is to be kept confidential to the full extent of the law. Starting Research at . Note that participants may not be recruited at , nor may data be collected, until your research project has (1) IRB approval from your home institution, and (2) your application has been approved by the Director of Institutional Research. Application to Recruit Research Participants at Procedure & Review 1. Application Procedure Before beginning the application process, you must have one or more faculty who are willing to assist you (by announcing your research project to their students). It is your responsibility to contact and identify faculty who would be interested in assisting you. A. After completing this application form, e-mail it to the Director of Institutional Research. B. Mail a copy of your consent form to the Director of Institutional Research. Your project must already have been approved by an IRB board at your university. Be sure that the IRBs approval stamp is on the consent form. Mail the consent form, with a brief cover letter, to: Director of Institutional Research 1 Barnard Drive Oceanside, CA 92056 Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. 2. Review of Application Your application and consent form will be reviewed by the Director of Institutional Research, or an employee of designated by the Director of Institutional Research. 3. Decision (Approve / Revise / Rejected) For approved projects, the Director of Institutional Research will place his/her signature or stamp upon the approved consent form. The consent form will then be mailed back to the researcher. It is this consent form, bearing (1) the IRB stamp and (2) the Director of Institutional Research signature or stamp, which must be used with participants. When the decision is to revise, then you will be asked to either provide further information to clarify a question or you will be asked to modify an element of your research project (e.g., the consent form). Research with students and/or employees may not begin until the project is approved. If the research project is rejected, then the research project may not be carried out (either with students or employees). 4. Grievance Procedure If the research project is not approved, then the Dean of Instruction may be contacted. Note that the Dean of Instruction will not reverse the decision of the Director of Institutional Research unless there is a strong and compelling reason. 5. Collecting Data The consent form approved by (1) bearing the IRB stamp of the researchers home institution, and (2) the Director of Institutional Research signature or stamp, must be read and signed by each participant prior to data collection. The signed consent form of each participant must be kept by the researcher, to be made available for review by the Director of Institutional Research, for up to one year after the research project is completed. Any subsequent changes to the research project or to the consent form must (1) be approved by the IRB board of the researchers home institution, and (2) will result in the need to resubmit the research project to the Director of Institutional Research. Approval to recruit participants at may be revoked at any time, for any reason, by the Director of Institutional Research.       Brief Overview of the Process You must first receive approval of your research project by an IRB board at your university. The university must be accredited. Contact faculty, and locate at least one faculty member willing to announce your research project in class (or post the announcement on their course website). Send in the Request to Recruit Participants form, via e-mail, to the Director of Institutional Research Send a brief cover letter and a copy of your consent form, bearing the IRB stamp of approval, to Director of Institutional Research at the mailing address: Director of Institutional Research 1 Barnard Drive Oceanside, CA 92056 Include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Applicants will be notified of the decision via e-mail regarding their research project. If approved, you will receive your consent form back, bearing the signature or stamp of the Director of Institutional Research. Approved projects may then be announced by faculty members in their classrooms (or posted to their class website). The approved consent form (A) bearing the IRB stamp of the researchers home institution, and (B) the Director of Institutional Research signature or stamp, must be read and signed by each participant prior to data collection. 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