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"To mark \(as an anniversary\) by )Tj T* (deviation from routine." )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -8.072 -1.846 Td ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 24.197 -1.84 Td (Ah. And this is meant to )Tj T* (account for )Tj 0 -2.376 TD (Christmas, )Tj T* (Juneteenth, )Tj T* (Cinco de Mayo, )Tj T* (Groundhog Day, )Tj 0 -2.376 TD (Bloomsday, )Tj 0 -2.376 TD (Thanksgiving, )Tj T* (Shrove Tuesday, )Tj ET EMC /Article <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 337.418 Tm ( )Tj ET EMC /Artifact <>BDC Q 0 0 0 rg BT /T1_0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/bhinson/Desktop/tidepools/tidepoolsArc\ hive/tidepoolsinvite2003.html \(1 of 4\)4/13/2006 5:23:41 )Tj (PM)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 47 0 obj<>stream /Artifact <>BDC 0 0 0 rg 0 i BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm (Tidepools 2003: Invitational Essay)Tj ET EMC /WebCaptureBG BMC /WebCaptureFN <>BDC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 1 1 0.8 rg 69.2 36 473.6 231.446 re f EMC EMC /WebCaptureFN <>BDC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q /CS0 cs /P0 scn 10 18 602 756 re f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 1 1 0.8 rg 388.88 324.831 213.12 441.169 re f EMC EMC EMC /Article <>BDC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n 0 0 0 rg BT /TT0 1 Tf 16.1538 0 0 16.1538 400.88 746.3906 Tm (St. Agnes' Eve, )Tj 0 -2.376 TD (Labor Day, )Tj T* (Easter, )Tj 0 -2.376 TD (Yom Kippur, )Tj 0 -2.376 TD (your mom's birthday, )Tj T* (July 4th, )Tj T* (and the day you make )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (the last payment on your )Tj T* (student loans. )Tj 0 -2.376 TD ("Deviation from routine" )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (is clearly a phrase forged )Tj T* (by dour workaholics who )Tj T* (never saw the point of a )Tj T* (four-day weekend. )Tj ET EMC /Article <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 291.9564 Tm ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 4.717 -3.426 Td (In a very limited sense, though, they're right: celebrations )Tj T* (seem to have only their deviations in common. Private )Tj T* (celebrations generate their own idiosyncratic rituals--the )Tj T* (salary increase tango; the acceptance letter endzone spike--)Tj T* (and nationally recognised holidays come prepackaged with )Tj T* (color schemes and iconography and helpful gift suggestions. )Tj T* (Some holidays stay in one place, their calendar addresses )Tj T* (as familiar as our own; others are movable feasts, appearing )Tj T* (capriciously one week or the next depending on which )Tj T* (Thursday it is, or what phase the moon is in, or any one of )Tj T* (the countless obscure indicators we use to determine when )Tj ET EMC /Artifact <>BDC Q 0 0 0 rg BT /T1_0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/bhinson/Desktop/tidepools/tidepoolsArc\ hive/tidepoolsinvite2003.html \(2 of 4\)4/13/2006 5:23:41 )Tj (PM)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 48 0 obj<>stream /Artifact <>BDC 0 0 0 rg 0 i BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm (Tidepools 2003: Invitational Essay)Tj ET EMC /WebCaptureBG BMC /WebCaptureFN <>BDC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q /CS0 cs /P0 scn 10 18 602 756 re f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 1 1 0.8 rg 69.2 710.231 473.6 55.769 re f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 69.2 308.692 473.6 344.154 re f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 69.2 42.846 473.6 208.462 re f EMC EMC EMC /Article <>BDC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n 0 0 0 rg BT /TT0 1 Tf 16.1538 0 0 16.1538 86.2 752.1752 Tm (to start pounding the moschi or brightening the Sukkot )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (booth. )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -4.717 -3.432 Td ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 4.717 -3.426 Td (Decorating, whether ourselves or our yards or our offerings, )Tj T* (can be considered one of the hallmarks of celebration. \(Pun )Tj T* (intended; the paraphernalia of holidays are a source of )Tj T* (considerable income in America.\) Wrapping paper, helium )Tj T* (balloons, boutonnieres and flag socks are all manifestations )Tj T* (of the same single impulse to publicly declare our affinity for )Tj T* (the communal mood: Kiss me, I'm Irish. The days have )Tj T* (costumes most of us honor, even if we no longer know why )Tj T* (pumpkins have faces and turkeys wear tall hats and buckled )Tj T* (shoes. The extroverts compete, installing enough bats or )Tj T* (hearts or animatronic reindeer to make their neighborhoods )Tj T* (visible from space; the shy send cards with sweetly seasonal )Tj T* (stamps. Less vehement persons may modify the symbols--)Tj T* (putting demure white candles in their windows rather than )Tj T* (JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON in road flares )Tj T* (on the roof--but even the infidels will light something up. )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -4.717 -3.432 Td ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 4.717 -3.426 Td (Celebrations do seem to call for emblematic lighting--think of )Tj T* (luminaria, sparklers, paschal and birthday candles, )Tj T* (Rudolph's nose. Celebrations also tend to involve chocolates )Tj T* (or pastries or cakes ceremonially frosted, and some kind of )Tj T* (cheer-inducing beverage, whether it's the tequila or the )Tj T* (champagne punch variety. Which raises an interesting )Tj T* (question: are celebrations primarily a means for a lot of us to )Tj T* (get our hands on a whole lot of sugar, alcohol, and fire, )Tj T* (simultaneously? What thirst does celebration slake? )Tj ET EMC /Artifact <>BDC Q 0 0 0 rg BT /T1_0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/bhinson/Desktop/tidepools/tidepoolsArc\ hive/tidepoolsinvite2003.html \(3 of 4\)4/13/2006 5:23:41 )Tj (PM)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 49 0 obj<>stream /Artifact <>BDC 0 0 0 rg 0 i BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm (Tidepools 2003: Invitational Essay)Tj ET EMC /WebCaptureBG BMC /WebCaptureFN <>BDC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q /CS0 cs /P0 scn 10 18 602 756 re f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 1 1 0.8 rg 69.2 426.354 473.6 289.108 re f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 0.801 0.801 0.801 rg 242 330.585 m 370 330.585 l 368 328.585 l 244 328.585 l h f 242 330.585 m 242 206.585 l 244 208.585 l 244 328.585 l h f 0.313 0.313 0.313 rg 370 330.585 m 370 206.585 l 368 208.585 l 368 328.585 l h f 242 206.585 m 370 206.585 l 368 208.585 l 244 208.585 l h f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 0 0 1 rg 247 211.585 118 114 re f 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg 246 326.585 m 366 326.585 l 365 325.585 l 247 325.585 l h f 246 326.585 m 246 210.585 l 247 211.585 l 247 325.585 l h f 0.949 0.945 0.935 rg 366 326.585 m 366 210.585 l 365 211.585 l 365 325.585 l h f 246 210.585 m 366 210.585 l 365 211.585 l 247 211.585 l h f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 0.801 0.801 0.801 rg 249 324.585 m 363 324.585 l 362 323.585 l 250 323.585 l h f 249 324.585 m 249 212.585 l 250 213.585 l 250 323.585 l h f 0.313 0.313 0.313 rg 363 324.585 m 363 212.585 l 362 213.585 l 362 323.585 l h f 249 212.585 m 363 212.585 l 362 213.585 l 250 213.585 l h f EMC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n /Artifact <>BDC Q 1 0.8 0 rg 253 216.585 106 104 re f 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg 252 321.585 m 360 321.585 l 359 320.585 l 253 320.585 l h f 252 321.585 m 252 215.585 l 253 216.585 l 253 320.585 l h f 0.949 0.945 0.935 rg 360 321.585 m 360 215.585 l 359 216.585 l 359 320.585 l h f 252 215.585 m 360 215.585 l 359 216.585 l 253 216.585 l h f EMC EMC EMC /Article <>BDC q 0 18 612 756 re W* n 0 0 0 rg BT /T1_0 1 Tf 16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 739.9718 Tm ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 4.717 -3.426 Td (For many of us, events of the past year have made the )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (theme of celebration incongruous at best and callous at )Tj T* (worst. In the presence of grief, celebrating seems )Tj T* (impossible. But when grief burns down to ashes and life )Tj T* (reasserts itself, what then? The poet Dylan Thomas exhorts )Tj T* (us to "rage, rage against the dying of the light," turning our )Tj T* (grief into fury and pitting ourselves, however bootlessly, )Tj T* (against the dark eddies of time and loss. Celebration, )Tj T* (though, gives us an entirely different option: to come )Tj T* (together, and fill the darkness with fireworks. )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 19.3846 0 0 19.3846 400.3428 468.9662 Tm (Jane Mushinsky)Tj 16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 393.4795 Tm ( )Tj 15.616 -2.376 Td (In memoriam )Tj ET q 100 0 0 100 255 218.58461 cm /Im0 Do Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 355 268.5846 Tm ( )Tj 16.1538 0 0 16.1538 215.6031 173.7103 Tm (Lisa Santacroce, 1963-2001 )Tj ET 0.5 0.5 0.5 rg 69.2 140.2 m 69.2 142.2 l 542.8 142.2 l 541.8 141.2 l 70.2 141.2 l 70.2 141.2 l h f 0.875 0.875 0.875 rg 542.8 142.2 m 542.8 140.2 l 69.2 140.2 l 70.2 141.2 l 541.8 141.2 l 541.8 141.2 l h f EMC /Artifact <>BDC Q 0 0 0 rg BT /T1_0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/bhinson/Desktop/tidepools/tidepoolsArc\ hive/tidepoolsinvite2003.html \(4 of 4\)4/13/2006 5:23:41 )Tj (PM)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 50 0 obj(Tidepools 2003: Invitational Essay) endobj 51 0 obj<> endobj 52 0 obj<> endobj 53 0 obj<> endobj 54 0 obj<> endobj 55 0 obj[52 0 R] endobj 56 0 obj(file:///C|/Documents and Settings/bhinson/Desktop/tidepools/tidepoolsArchive/tidepoolsinvite2003.html) endobj 57 0 obj(xMcx[x) endobj 58 0 obj<> endobj 59 0 obj<> endobj 60 0 obj(yT`%*L) endobj 61 0 obj 1 endobj 62 0 obj<> endobj 63 0 obj<> endobj 64 0 obj<>stream 2006-04-13T17:23:41-07:00 2006-04-13T17:23:40-07:00 2006-04-13T17:23:41-07:00 application/pdf Tidepools 2003: Invitational Essay uuid:d62b2201-28ef-4c15-a68b-1464fd119202 uuid:a5985254-17bf-477a-bca7-2f6fba34954c Acrobat Web Capture 7.0 endstream endobj xref 0 65 0000000004 00000 f 0000000016 00000 n 0000000144 00000 n 0000000216 00000 n 0000000006 00000 f 0000000382 00000 n 0000000000 00001 f 0000000448 00000 n 0000000492 00000 n 0000000588 00000 n 0000009183 00000 n 0000009291 00000 n 0000009325 00000 n 0000009406 00000 n 0000009457 00000 n 0000009500 00000 n 0000009569 00000 n 0000009638 00000 n 0000009878 00000 n 0000009981 00000 n 0000010026 00000 n 0000010075 00000 n 0000010264 00000 n 0000010326 00000 n 0000010357 00000 n 0000010585 00000 n 0000010843 00000 n 0000010874 00000 n 0000011102 00000 n 0000011360 00000 n 0000011384 00000 n 0000011660 00000 n 0000011918 00000 n 0000011942 00000 n 0000011988 00000 n 0000012230 00000 n 0000012656 00000 n 0000012781 00000 n 0000012815 00000 n 0000012902 00000 n 0000012953 00000 n 0000013212 00000 n 0000013302 00000 n 0000013338 00000 n 0000013431 00000 n 0000014604 00000 n 0000014824 00000 n 0000016958 00000 n 0000019386 00000 n 0000022492 00000 n 0000026271 00000 n 0000026323 00000 n 0000026359 00000 n 0000026495 00000 n 0000026524 00000 n 0000026625 00000 n 0000026649 00000 n 0000026768 00000 n 0000026802 00000 n 0000026934 00000 n 0000026985 00000 n 0000027019 00000 n 0000027037 00000 n 0000027121 00000 n 0000027235 00000 n trailer <<23E9CD7A251B2846B953853E656FD5C9>]>> startxref 30720 %%EOF